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Radiation  that leaves a surface can propagate in all possible directions (Figure12.4b), and we are often interested in knowing its directional distribution. Also, radiation incident upon a surface may come from different directions, and the manner in which the surface responds to this radiation depends on the direction. Such directional effects can be of primary importance in determining the net radiative heat transfer rate and may be treated by introducing the concept of  radiation intensity.

12.2.1 mathematical definitions
Due to its nature, mathematical treatment of radiation heat transfer involves the extensive use of the spherical coordinate system. From Figure 1 2.5a, we recall that the differential plane angle dα is defined by a region between the rays of a circle and is measured as the ratio of the arc length dl on the circle to the radius r of the circle. Similarly, from Figure 12.5b, the differential solid angle dω is defined by a region between the rays of a sphere and is measured as the ratio of the area dAn on the sphere to the sphere’s radius squared. Accordingly,


Consider emission in a particular direction from an element of surface area dA1, as
shown in Figure 12.5c. The direction may be specilied in terms of the zenith and azimuthal angles, θ and ϕ, respectively, of a spherical coordinate system (Figure 12.5d). The area dAn, through which the radiation passes, subtends a differential solid angle dω when viewed from a point on dA1. As shown in Figure 12.6, the area dAn is a rectangle of dimension r dθ x r sinθ d; thus, dAn,, = r2 sinθ dθ dϕ. Accordingly,

When viewed from a point on an opaque surface area element dA1, radiation may be emitted into any direction defined by a hypothetical hemisphere above the surface. The solid angle associated with the entire hemisphere may be obtained  by integrating Equation 12.3 over the limits Ï• = 0 to Ï• = 2 and θ = 0 to θ = Ï€/12. Hence,

12.2.2 Radiation  Intensity And Its Relation To Emission
Returning to Figure 1 2.5c. we now consider the rate at which emission from dA1 passes through dAn. This quantity may be expressed in terms of the spectral intensity
Iλ,e of the emitted radiation. We formally define Iλ,e as the rate at which radiant energy is emmited at the wavelength λ in the (θ, ϕ) direction, per unit area of the emiting surface normal to this direction, per unit solid angle about this direction, and

figure 12.7 the projection of dA1 normal to the direction of radiation.

per unit wavelength interval d λ about λ. Note that the area used to define the intens
ity is the component of dA1 perpendicular to the direction of the radiation. From Figure 12.7, we see that this projected area is equal to dA1 cos θ. In effect it is how
dA1 would appear to an observer situated on dAn. The spectral intensity, which has
units of W/m2 sr μm, is then

where (dq/d λ) dq λ is the rate at which radiation of wavelength λ leaves dA1 and
passes through dAn. Rearranging Equation 12.5, it follows that

where d λ has the units of W/μm. This important expression allows us to compute
the rate at which radiation emitted by a surface propagates into the region of space
defined by the solid angle dw about the (θ, ϕ) direction. However, to compute this rate, the spectral intensity Iλ,e of the emitted radiation must be known. The manner in which this quantity may be determined is discussed later, in Sections 12.3 and 12.4. Expressing Equation 12.6 per unit area of the emitting surface and substituting from Equation 12.3, the spectral radiation flux associated with dA1 is

If the spectral and directional distributions of Iλ,e are known, that is, Iλ,e (λ,θ, ϕ) is known, the heat flux associated with emission into any finite solid angle or over any finite wavelength interval may be determined by integrating Equation 12.7. For example, we define the spectral, hemispherical e,nissive power E λ (W/m2 μm) as the rate at which radiation of wavelength λ is emitted in all directions from a surface per unit wavelength interval dλ about λ and per unit surface area. Thus. Eλ is the spectral heat flux associated with emission into a hypothetical hemisphere above as shown in Figure 12.8. or

Note that Eλ is a flux based on the actual surface area, where as Iλ,e is based on the
projected area. The cos θ term appearing in the integrand is a consequence of this

The total, hemispherical emissive power, E (W/m2), is the rate at which radiation is emitted per unit area at all possible wavelengths and in all possible directions. Accordingly,

Or from equation 12.8

Since the term “emissive power” implies emission in all directions, the adjective “hemispherical” is redundant and is often dropped. One then speaks of the spectral
emissive power Eλ, or the total emissive power E.

Although the directional distribution of surface emission varies according to the nature of the surface, there is a special case that provides a reasonable approximation for many surfaces. We speak of adiffuse emitter as a surface for which the intensity of the emitted radiation is independent of direction, in which case Iλ,e (λ,θ, ϕ) = Iλ,e (λ). Removing Iλ,e from the integrand of Equation 12.8 and performing the integration, it follows that

Similarly, from equation 12.10

Where Ie is the total intensity of the emmited radiation. Note that the constant appearing in the above expressions is Ï€,  not 2Ï€, and has the unit steradians.

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